Fairy atmospheres
In autumn 2021, the beautiful Chateau st. Gerlach in Valkenburg was transformed into a colourful and romantic setting. A creation of harmony in fairy-like atmospheres by combining greenery, flowers and sparkling light. A vibrant fairy tale. During the reception, guests were met by beautiful plant walls and playful hanging plants. From there, they were led through this romantic atmosphere to dinner. A romantic and green fairy tale. This space exuded a different atmosphere from the rest. The greenery was brought in from outside and complemented by sparkling, colourful and romantic details. Among other things, the beautiful birch trees that reached to the ceiling created a total experience. As a sparkling finale, the party, which contrasted with the dinner. The party sparkled like no other and the colour schemes resembled a club. Deep blue velvet combined with gold metal accents. A wedding that will be remembered for a long time.
In cooperation with Select Catering
Photography by Alice Mahran
Wedding planner Withlotte